This episode from the Discover Powered Now series is a really fun one...
CIS (Construction industry scheme) is a tax law relating to work done by subcontractors for contractors in the UK. It involves the contractor deducting CIS before paying each subcontractor invoice.
Powered Now allows contractors and subcontractors to enter all the extra details needed to calculate and record CIS and produce the necessary reports.
➡️ Watch our webinar Discover the Benefits of Powered Now's CIS where Liam and Luke will explain:
- 💡 How to use our CIS Feature and its benefits
- 🎯 Best practices and tips to save time and keep your business information organised
- ❓FAQs
Stay tuned, more webinars from our new series Discover Powered Now are coming soon!
If you have any questions about our Projects feature, do not hesitate to send us an email or use our chat, we'll be happy to assist you.
Have you tried Powered Now? Our customers report that on average they save more than 8 hours a week! What are you waiting for? Book your free demo today!

P.S. Know anyone who may be interested in watching? Send this link to share 😀
Additional useful information
Who is exempt from the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)?
The benefits of diary management software
Webinar: Discover the Benefits of Powered Now's Diary
Webinar: Discover the Benefits of Powered Now's Projects
How to report on Powered Now Projects
Why do I need to use Powered Now Projects?
Lesson Seven - Introduction to Projects
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