How To Be A Great Manager In The Trade Industry

So, you want to be the owner of a successful trade business? Then, you need to know how to be a great manager. Without a collaborative, motivated and hardworking team around you, you won’t get very far. Your success will be dependent on a few things:

  • The quality of your service
  • Your customer service 
  • Clear & concise communication 
  • Trust and credibility

While these are the key factors, there are plenty more, and all of them relate back to your team.

Every brilliant manager in the trade business does one crucial thing - they set their employees up for success. With the right resources, leadership skills, operations and more, you can ensure your plumbers, electricians, engineers, construction workers or pest control specialists have everything needed to work efficiently for the success of your business. Let’s take a look at this in more detail.

The Team’s Needs

Every individual within your team will have various requirements, skills, goals, and difficulties at work. As a manager, it’s essential you understand how each person works. Meeting with your team will allow you to understand what motivates them, whether they need any specific adjustments to do their job well, and how you can help them when it comes to day-to-day productivity.


Now, this is something all trade businesses should implement into their operations, no matter how big or small they are. With the right technology in place, you can streamline almost all aspects of your business, allowing the team to focus on what truly matters - getting the job done well. With a trade business job management software like Powered Now, you can focus on core tasks like invoicing, job scheduling, communication, HR, certificates and other paperwork that are taken care of in minutes.


Miscommunication is the key factor that results in errors as a tradesman. It’s the manager’s job to ensure each engineer, office assistant, key stakeholder, supplier, and customer is communicating in a clear, concise and positive manner. With regular updates, detailed job briefs, accurate quotes/invoices and reliable reporting, everyone should remain on the same page at all times. This not only streamlines operations and improves productivity, but it also guarantees your clients are not left dissatisfied or confused.

on the job construction worker training

Training and Development

When was the last time you sent some of the team to do additional training?

Have you ever taken a look at your services and updated them based on what your competitors are doing?

Implementing regular training, whether that’s workshops, courses, or in-house sessions, will provide your team with up-to-date skills and knowledge for future jobs. This also guarantees that your services remain similar to or ahead of what other local tradesmen are offering. Additionally, consistent developments in your overall operations and business strategies will benefit the success of your business.

This not only improves performance both individually and as a team but also shows you are invested in employees’ professional growth.


We know it’s inevitable, but that doesn’t mean it’s not overwhelming and disheartening when it happens. All businesses, alongside trades, will face challenges and problems along the way, whether that be dissatisfied clients, poor inventory management or delays and errors. That being said, there are strategies we can put in place to mitigate these problems or resolve them quickly. Here are a few things to consider.

  • Assess the situation: Promptly gather and analyse relevant information surrounding the issue and discuss your plan of action as a team.
  • Team input: Encourage those directly affected by the issue to suggest resolutions and best practices to avoid it happening again (this also ensures everyone is on the same page)
  • Act Decisively: Solutions should be conducted as promptly as possible to minimise your downtime.

Work Environments

Nobody wants to work in a hostile office, with awkward employee tension and micromanagement. A positive workplace is essential for the success of your business, as a team that enjoys being at work will work harder, smarter, and with smiles on their faces, too.

A positive work culture is key to greater morale and productivity, so ensure your team constantly feels valued and supported and has a great work/life balance. Some ways to ensure the team feels this way are by recognising their achievements, implementing incentives, giving constructive feedback, and providing them with the tools to succeed.
While these are the main factors to consider when looking to become a great trade business manager, there are a few more you could use for greater employee satisfaction and business success. These are:

  • Hosting performance reviews and providing feedback
  • Leading by example, demonstrating your productivity, professionalism and passion for the job
  • Adapt to change
  • Encourage collaboration and support

Being a great manager in the trade industry requires consistent planning, effective communication, and a genuine commitment to not only the business’s success but your team’s success, too. With the right proactive approach to your management, including the right tools, technology and team morale, you can drive your business towards sustainable growth. Embrace the practices we’ve detailed above, and you’ll not only enhance performance but build a thriving trade in your area.

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