Meet Woody, who has completed his Customer Service apprenticeship

Woody is one of the voices at the end of the phone when someone calls or contacts our Customer Services team for help or advice. He’s our 5th Apprentice that has completed our Customer Service apprenticeship scheme (and with Distinction in Professional Discussion!). We’re super proud, and today we would like to share his experience.

Ben Woodford (aka Woody) is one of Powered Now’s Customer Success Executives.

He started working for Powered Now back in January 2021 and before he started working here he didn’t have any experience working in this kind of industry. Before this, he had different roles in the catering industry.

ben woodford woody

What do you like about working at Powered Now?

When I first started at Powered Now I really liked how welcoming the staff was and how easy they made it to learn off of them and how easy it was to approach one of them when I needed help with anything.

Why did you decide to become an apprentice? 

I decided to become an apprentice because I wanted to help improve my customer service skills and learn all the different ways and techniques I can use when helping support the Powered Now customers and building a better relationship with my colleagues at the same time.

What was the best thing about doing the customer service apprenticeship?

Improving my skills and knowledge of this line of work which has helped me become more confident in my role and a better person overall.

What was the hardest thing?

There was never really anything that was hard with regard to my learning during the apprenticeship. If there was ever something that I was not sure of or needed help with, I had my tutor (Becky from HTP) plus Chloe and Luke from the Powered Now team who helped whenever I needed it.


So, what’s next?

I want to first take all the skills and knowledge I have gained to provide even better customer service for our customers along with providing great support to my colleagues so that we can propel Powered Now to the next level!


Ben, CEO of Powered Now, added:

"Every apprentice that has been through training at Powered Now has been integral to our workforce. Woody is a great example of how apprenticeships can really benefit everyone involved. By us helping to train the workforce of tomorrow they are shaping how our company operates today and we are richer for it." 

Congratulations Woody! 😀

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